14 GAY PEOPLE's ChronICLE MAY 17, 1996


Phone numbers are area code 614 unless otherwise noted.


AA Sober, Stong and Free, closed discussion, childcare available, Women's Outreach for Women, 1950 H N. Fourth St., 8 pm, 291-3639. Alcoholics Anonymous, Mish-Mash meeting, Northminster Church, 203 King Ave., 10 pm. Alcoholics for Gays and Lesbians, Mansfield, 8 pm; 419-522-0729.

Columbus Stompers Hot Texas Dance Lessons, Tradewinds II, 117 E. Chestnut St., 8 pm-midnight; 784-9210 or 224-5563.

Combined Forces, Support and social group for gay men and lesbians in Marion, 7-8:30 pm; Box 6132, Marion 43302.

Dignity-Columbus, 3rd Fri., gay, lesbian, bisexual

Catholics, 7 pm, 203 King Ave., Columbus; 4516528.

Gay-Lesbian Bowling League, meet at Mr. Bill's

Bowling Center, 3525 Cleveland Ave., 8:30 pm; The Polyester Network, 276-3185. HIV Testing, free and anonymous, by the Columbus

Health Department, testing at Affirmations, 918 Front St., Columbus, walk-in from 3-7 pm, 6456960.

Ladies Night Out, second Friday, sponsored by the Crystal Club. Dinner and evening out for members of the crossdressing community; 237-4321 or F.O. Box 287, Reynoldsburg 43068-0287. Meditation classes, 2nd and 4th Friday, Pearls of Wisdom, 3224 N. High St., free, 7 pm; 262-0146. Pagan Potluck Dinner, free, bring a covered dish to share, drums are encouraged, 7 pm, Salem West, 1209 North St., Columbus; 421-7557. Parents and Siblings HIV Support Group, 2nd Friday, Pater Noster House, 2456 West Broad St., Columbus, 1 pm. Free parking at church across street. Facilitated by Fr. Tom Cadden; 870-6460.


A.A. Women's Group, closed discussion, Women's Outreach for Women, 1950 H N. 4th St., 11 am: 291-3639

Alcoholics Anonymous, Step Meeting, Northminster Presbyterian Church, 203 King Ave., 8:30 pm. Capitol City Cycling Club Breakfast Ride, 8 am; 26CAMPI (262-2674).

Central Ohio Humanists, second Saturday, 12 pm, Call for location; 267-4030. Crystal Club, for transsexuals, transgenderists and

transvestites; 4th Saturday of month; Box 287, Reynoldsburg 43068; 265-7488.

Free Community Dinner for people with HIV, friends and families, 4th Saturday, North Broadway Methodist Church, 48 East North Broadway. 7 pm. Sponsored by ASC; 291-2300.

HIV Testing, Ist Sat., 4-9 pm, free, anonymous, given by Columbus Health Dept., Stonewall Center, 1160 N. High, 299-7764.

Making the Quilt, 4th Sat., make panels for the AIDS Memorial Quilt, Ohio School for the Deaf, 500 Morse Rd., Columbus; 885-3170. Phoenix Pride Youth Support Group, 11:00 am to

1:00 pm; Kaleidoscope Youth Coalition, 2765 Cleveland Ave., Columbus; 444-0800 or 447-7199. Vulcan Levi-Leather Bar Night, first Saturday of month, 9 pm to 2 am at Eagle in Exile, 893 N. 4th St., Columbus, 294-0069.


Alcoholics Anonymous literature discussion, Northminster Presb. Church, 203 King Ave, 1:30 pm. Christ United Evangelical Church Worship Ser-

vice, Northminster Presbyterian Church, 203 King Ave., 6 pm, ASL interpreted, 297-6317. Columbus Gay Men's Chorus Rehearsals, Opera Columbus, 177 Naghten St., 7:00-10:00, 228-2462. Columbus Ursine Brotherhood, first Sunday, 5 pm, Club 20, 50 East Duncan St.

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Community Church of Truth, meets 11:00 am in

Springfield, 513-325-7691 for location. Friends for Lesbian and Gay Concerns, Gathering and potluck for lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and friends seeking spiritual community within Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). 4th Sunday; 488-2096.

Lutherans Concerned-Central Ohio, Redeemer Church, 1555 S. James Rd., 4th Sunday, 5:30 pm; 291-8771.

Men of All Colors Together, 2nd Sun., 3 pm, Stonewall Community Center, 1160 N. High St., Columbus, 299-7764.

National Leather Association, 2nd Sunday, 1:30 pm, Eagle, center of Hickory and Lazelle, 232 N. 3rd St; 470-2093.

New Creation MCC Worship Service, 787 E. Broad St., Columbus, 10:30 am; 7:30 pm on 2nd Sun.; 224-0314.

Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, 4th Sunday, First Unitarian Universalist Church, 93 W. Weisheimer Rd, 2 pm; 227-9355.

Rainbow Support, 2-4 pm and 7-9 pm,, First UU Society Church, 232 3rd St. and Putnam, Marietta; 614-373-1238.

Spirit of the Rivers Ecumenical Community Church service, Third Avenue Community Church, 1066 N. High St., 10:30 am; 470-0816.

St. Stephen's Episcopal Church worship service, 30 W. Woodruff, 8:30 and 10:30 am; 294-3749. Survivors of Incest Anonymous 12-step, closed dis-

cussion, childcare available, Women's Outreach for Women, 1950-H N. Fourth St., 7 pm, 291-3639 Together in Pride, 7 pm, First UU Society Church, 232 3rd St. and Putnam, Marietta; 614-373-1238. First Unitarian Church of Marietta, worship service, 10:30 am, 232 3rd St., Marietta; 614-373-1238. Unity Church of Christianity, worship service, 9 am and 11 am, 4211 Maize Rd., Columbus; 614-2674959.

Women's Self-Defense and Martial Arts Club, OSU Larkins Hall. Call for times: 268-6873.

Youth Quest, for sexual minorities 22 and under, 6:30 pm at St. Mark's Church, corner of Woodman and Berkhart, Dayton, 513-275-8336.


Alcoholics Anonymous, Beginner's Group, Northminster Church, 203 King Ave., 8 pm. Catholic Lesbian Group, 2nd and 4th Monday, Newman Center, 64 W. Lane Ave., 8 pm; 2978948.

Columbus Women's Chorus Rehearsal, 6:45-8:45; 299-5148.

Coming Out Support Group for Men, safe space for men dealing with gay or bisexual identity issues; every 2nd and 4th Monday, 7 pm; Stonewall Union, 49 W. Fifth Ave.; 299-7764 or TTY 299-4408. Domestic Violence peer support meeting, for survivors and victims of domestic violence; Choices, 224-4663.

Dublin Center Therapy Group, for gays, lesbians, bisexuals, 7 pm, Dublin Counseling Center, 6047 Frantz Rd., Suite 102, 889-5722.

Gay and Lesbian Al-Anon, Mansfield, 7:30 pm; 419522-0729.

Gay Male Survivors of Domestic Violence, 2nd and 4th Monday, 8 pm, closed meeting: call first, Don Cook 299-7764, TTY 299-4408. Gay-Lesbian Bowling League, Mr. Bill's Bowling Center, 3525 Cleveland Ave., 8:30 pm. The Polyester Network, 276-3185.

HIV Daytime Support Group, 10:30 am. Sponsored by Columbus AIDS Task Force; 488-2437. HIV-Challenged Spectrum Group, Affirmations, 918 S Front St., 7:30 pm; 445-8277. HIV Women's Support Group, 2nd and 4th Monday, 7:30 pm. Child care, rides provided. Columbus AIDS Task Force, call for location; 488-2437. Landlord-Tenant "Advice Only" Clinic, Legal Aid

Office, 40 W Gay St. Columbus Housing Law Project, 11 am, call first, 291-5076. Lesbian Business Association, 1st Monday, 7:30 pm, Whetstone Branch Library, 3909 North High Street, multi-purpose room.

Lesbian Support Group, Newman Center, 64 West Lane Ave., 291-4674.

Lesbian Survivors of Domestic Violence, 1st and 3rd Monday; Gloria McCauley 299-7764, TTY: 2994408.

Momentum TV, Cable Access Channel 21, 11 pm; 299-4408.

NARAL-Ohio, 3rd Monday of month; 221-2594 for time and location.

Not Ready for Prime Time Bowling League, 8:30 pm, Mr. Bill's Bowling Center, 3525 Cleveland Ave., Tony 299-7764 or 276-3185. Parents Helping Parents, for parents of special, challenged children of all types, all ages; 7:30 pm alternate Mondays. Call for location: Hazel 8953706 or Debbie 890-5864.


AIDS Quilting Bee, 2nd and 4th Tues., 12 pm, Stonewall Community Center, 1160 N. High St., Columbus, 299-7764.

ACLU of Central Ohio, 2nd Tuesday, Columbus Metropolitan Library; 228-8951. Alcoholics Anonymous, lead meeting, Northminster Presbyterian Church, 203 King Ave., 8 pm. Amnesty International, 1st Tuesday, 7 pm, Summit Church, 82 E. 16th Ave., speakers, videos, public invited, enter in rear, Winie; 262-2226. Bisexual Support Group, for male and female OSU students. 1:30 pm; 292-5766. Central Ohio Men's Circle, Third Avenue Community Church, 1066 N. High St; 299-4702. Circle of Hope, 1250 S. High St., open discussion for those in the HIV spectrum. Sponsored by Southeast Counseling Services. 7:15 pm; 445-3330. Columbus State Community College GABLE Cougars, G-L-B students, 1st Tues., noon, Nester Hall #122, Columbus; 227-2637. Ex-Spouses of Gays therapy group, for those once married to someone gay, 7 pm, Dublin Counseling Center, 6047 Frantz Rd., Suite 102, Dublin; 8895722. Gay-Lesbian Bowling League, June thru August, Mr. Bill's Bowling Center, 3525 Cleveland Ave., Columbus, 3 pm. The Polyester Network; 276-3185. Gay, Lesbian, Straight Teachers Network, 7:30 pm, Stonewall Community Center, 1160 N. High St., Columbus, 299-7764.

HIV Testing, 1st and 3rd Tues., 6-7:30 pm, free, anonymous, women only, given by Columbus Health Dept., Women's Outreach for Women, 1950H N. 4th St.; 645-6960. Landlord-Tenant “Advice Only” Clinic, Third Avenue Comm. Church, 1066 N. High, 6 pm. Columbus Housing Law Project; call first, 291-5076. Lesbian Avengers, 9 pm, Cafe Q, 1175 N. High St., Columbus 630-3446.

Living Proof, a lesbian cancer support group. Stonewall Community Center, 47 West Fifth Ave., first Tuesday, 6:30-8:30 pm; 299-7764. Momentum TV, Cable Access Channel 21, 5:30 pm. Info 299-4408.

9 to 5 National Association of Working Women, 2nd Tuesday, Third Avenue Community Church, 1066 N. High St., 5:30 pm; 292-3947. Ohio Catholics for Choice, 2nd and 4th Tuesday, 69 W. Patterson, 7:30 pm; 267-1858. Sexual Identity Issues support group for women, 7-9 pm, call 486-1774.

The Sistah Circle, A support group for black female incest survivors, Women's Outreach for Women, 1950-H N. Fourth St., 7 pm.

Slightly Bent, gay, lesbian, bisexual bowling league,

7:30 pm, Mr. Bill's Bowling Center, 3525 Cleveland Ave., 8:30 pm; The Polyester Network, 2763185.

Stonewall Video Night, Stonewall Community Center, 47 W. Fifth Ave. Films about aspects of gay and lesbian life, followed by discussion, third Tuesday; 299-7764, TTY: 299-4408.

Women in the HIV Spectrum support group, 7:30 pm, 52-C West Fifth Avenue, facilitated by Chris Smithies, 294-1751.


AIDS Survivors Support Group, Mount Carmel Hospice Evergreen Center, 1144 Dublin Rd., Columbus, 234-0265. Alcoholics Anonymous, Grapevine Group, Northminster Church, 203 King Ave., 8 pm. Alcoholics Anonymous, single mothers' support group; 6:30 pm, Women's Outreach for Women, 1950-H N.4th St, 291-3639

AA, HIV, NA Recovery, 8 pm, Pater Noster House, 2456 W. Broad St., side porch, Columbus; 8706460.

Bi Women For Women, informal discussion group, 1st Wednesday of month, 7:30 pm, Stonewall Community Center, 1160 N. High St., Columbus; 2657298.

Catholic Gay Men's Support Meeting, Newman Center, 64 W. Lane Ave., 7:30 pm; 291-4674. Christ United Evangelical Church Bible Study, 7:30 pm, call for location: 297-6317. Columbus NOW Chapter, first Wednesday, Chemical Abstract Services, 2540 Olentangy River Rd., 7276-5017. pm;


Columbus Stompers Hot Texas Dance Lessons, Tradewinds II, 117 E. Chestnut St., 10 pm; 7849210 or 224-5563.

Grief Support Group, 1st and 3rd Wednesday of month, for those who have lost loved ones to HIV/ AIDS, 7:30 pm, 221-7979 or 291-2300. Healing Circle, open support exploring health and wellness living with HIV/AIDS, 7 pm, Ohio AIDS Coalition, 48 W. Whittier St., Columbus, 444 1683. HIV Significant Others Group, for partners, friends, parents, siblings; 1st and 3rd Wednesday, 7:30 pm. Columbus AIDS Task Force; 488-2437. International Human Rights Action, 1st and 3rd Wed., write letters and plan action for gays, lesbians, and bisexuals internationally, 6:30 pm, OSU Ohio Union, Michelle 294-1074.

NARAL Volunteer Night, 760 E. Broad St., 5:30-8:30 pm; 221-2594.

Narcotics Anonymous, Pater Noster House, 2456 W. Broad St., 8 pm. Enter side door, 870-6460. New Roots, Emotional support for adoption and adoptive parenting; gay-lesbian positive; Broad St. Presb. Church, 760 E. Broad St., 7 pm; 267-3638. Ohio University gay lesbian, bisexual student union, Open Doors, 8 pm, United Campus Ministry, 18 N. College St., Athens, 614-594-2385.

Origins of the Craft, an overview of the origins of modern witchcraft and the religion of Wicca, 7 pm, Salem West, 1209 North High St., Columbus, 4217557.

People Sharing and Caring, open to anyone in the HIV spectrum, 7:30pm, Southeast Christian Church, 3330 East Livingston Ave., Columbus; James White 221-0544.

Phoenix Pride Youth Group, non-therapeutic support for ages 14-21, 6 pm, Kaleidoscope Youth Coalition, 2765 Cleveland Ave., Columbus, 4440800 or 447-7199.

Public Pagan Circle, "life-affirming ritual," 8 pm, Salem West, 1209 North St., Columbus, 421-7557. Queer Lunch, by Stuff Your Face Pizza in the Ohio Union, OSU, 11 am-1 292-9212. pm; Significant Others HIV Support Group, first and third Wednesdays, 6:30 pm CATF office, 1500 West Third Ave., Suite 329, Megan Lyons or Lisa Cox 488-2437.

Single Mothers Facilitated Group, open to all, Women's Outreach for Women, 1950-H N. Fourth St., 6:30 pm, 291-3639

Sisters of Lavender, social group for lesbians over 21. First U.U. Church, 92 West Weisheimer Rd; 5759646.

St. Ignatius Orthodox Church Gay Rights Ministry, 1020 Stewart Avenue, 7 pm; 443-6040. Unitarian Universalist Humanists, 3rd Wed., 7:30 pm, Fellowship Hall, 1st UU Church, 93 W. Weisheimer Rd., Columbus, Earl 890-0653. What Nurtures Our Spirituality, Spirit of the Rivers Study and Discussion Group, 7:30 pm, 294-9970 Women's Hour, Dayton Lesbian and Gay Center, 6:15 pm; 513-228-4875.


AIDS Grief Support Group 1st and 3rd Thursday, First U.U. Church, 93 Weisheimer Rd., 7 pm; 2912300

AIDS Spectrum and Spirituality, 2nd and 4th Thurs., 7 pm, ASC, 1066 North High, Columbus: 2912300.

Al-Anon Women's Serenity Meeting, Fan the Flames, 3387 N. High, 8 pm, for all women, 447-0565. Alcoholics Anonymous, discussion meeting, Northminster Church, 203 King Ave., 8:30 pm. Columbus Alternative Pool League, seasonal billiards competition with friends, 7 pm, 299-1007. Columbus State Community College GABLE Cougars, G-L-B students, 3rd Thurs., 8 pm, Nester Hall #122, Columbus; 227-2637.

Druid Workshop and Networking Service, free, 7 pm, Salem West 1209 North High Street, 421-7557. ECCO Group, for African-Americans within the HIV spectrum; 445-0013 or 253-0861.

Healing Circle Open Support, wellness options for people with HIV/AIDS, discussion and speakers, 7 pm, Ohio AIDS Coalition, 48 W. Whittier St., Columbus, 444-1683.

Herpes Support Group, (HELP), 2nd Thurs., 1515 E. Broad St., #213, Columbus, 470-0709. HIV Parents and Siblings Support Group, 2nd and 4th Thursday, St. John's Episcopal Church, Rt. 161 and High St., Worthington; 12:30 pm; Mary 8856911 or Sandy 885-3170.

HIV Testing, 2-4 pm, free anonymous, given by Columbus Health Dept., N. Central Mental Health, 1301 N. High St., Columbus, 645-6960. Lesbian-Bisexual Women's Group. Front Lounge, 18 N. College St., Athens; 594-2385. Lesbian Support, 4 pm, OSU, Call for location, 2925766.

Lesbian Survivors of Domestic Violence, Information 299-7764.

Line Dance Lessons, with the Columbus Stompers, Wall Street, 144 N. Wall St., 8 pm-1 am; 464-2800. Log Cabin Club, gay, lesbian, and bisexual Republicans, 2nd and 4th Thursday, 265-7535 or Box 12126, Columbus; 43212.

New Realities, open discussion and socializing for gay men, lesbians and bisexuals in Delaware County; 363-5271 or 943-2862.

Nosotros, for gay, lesbian and bisexual Latin persons and friends; 292-6200 for time and place.

Out and About meeting, OSU Ohio Union, Buckeye Suites F and G, 292-6200.

Stonewall Union monthly meeting, 49 W. Fifth Ave., 1st Thursday; of month 299-7764, TTY 299-4408. Sexual Abuse Survivors Facilitated Support Group, open group, child care available, Women's Outreach for Women, 1950-H N. Fourth St., 6:30-8 pm, 291-3639.

Wright State University Lambda Union, Room W047 in Student Union Building, 7:30 pm, 513-8735565.